
Socially Engaged Architecture from Hungary

KÉK Könyvtár |
KÉK könyvtárban olvasható
Pozsár Péter
Boook Kiadó

However ​we try to describe it, the point is: building is an activity, strongly connected creating. We build and construct, not only with our hands, but with words. One way or another, we create something every day. But what do we build for others, with a socially engaged attitude?

Hello Wood’s new book is out, presenting projects of Hungarian socially engaged architecture from the 21st century, for everyone whose interested in a shared, social responsibility. Because it’s good to build. It is important to build. Building means looking forward. When it comes to architecture, we usually think of walls, roofs, windows; or in a more sophisticated case, aesthetic forms, perhaps artistic value. However, architecture is much more than that: a philanthropic mission, social involvement or social responsibility, the creation of communities, a behavioral pattern; moreover, it means an active influence on mentalities.

The Builders presents accomplished projects:

  • where being socially responsible, open minded, capable of cooperation and reaching out is not only a professional or architectural matter;
  • which point out that everyone has a chance to be active and take a role in achieving goals that concern their direct, or less direct environment, whatever professional and skills they may have;
  • that send us the message: everyone can join the process of building, thus contributing to the forming and maintaining of a community.

This book presents their works. They are the BUILDERS.

A KÉK 2016-ban indult könyvtára folyamatosan bővülő kollekciót mutat be az építészet iránt érdeklődőknek. Polcainkon a legizgalmasabb kiadványok, ritka magazinok, építészeti diskurzusok fontos művei találhatók meg. A gyűjtemény fontos eleme a személyesség. A KÉK által felkért építészeket közös gyűjtésre invitáljuk, hogy öt-tíz kiadványból álló, személyes inspirációt jelentő válogatással bővítsék a könyvtárat. Az alábbi kiadvány a KÉK Válogatás kollekciójának darabja.