Imaging Korea

Beyond the People, Land, Time

KÉK Könyvtár | fotográfia | gyűjtemény | kultúra | művészet |
Imaging Korea
KÉK könyvtárban olvasható
Kwon Seokjin
Korean Culture and Information Service

Documentary photography is the aesthetic way of recording a moment for all time presents works at the pinnacle of this ‘aesthetic of recording’ which has never been and may never again be shown to the world. This exhibit, presenting in one place 125 photographs of beautiful strength in documentation and artistry by seven photographers of distinct perspectives, readily expresses their lives lived within Korean tradition, culture, nature, and time. The time when Korean culture and tradition, based in agriculture, was at its height. The times when such culture gradually retreated. The people who had lived and are living in such times. In palaces, in temples, in historic sites, in the demilitarized zone and its reality of national division, and in everyday places, photographers represent powerful Beyond the People, Land and Time is the lyrical language of images spanning Korea’s past, its roots, and its present which are both memories we would long for and which the world can relate to. The works of this exhibition were selected from the most representative works of seven photographers who have labored extensively to complete this project. Though only excerpts from assorted exhibitions, these images collectively form a broad spectrum and represent a polished exhibition showing a different side to Korea. This exhibit is all the more precious and valuable for containing images of Korea that European observers are seeing for the first time, armed with the vestiges, deep lyricism, and intensity of the people, land, and time of Korea as permeated over the ages and captured from the 1970s to the present by these seven photographers of different artistic bent. Embedded with history, embedded with culture, embedded with people, this exhibit contemplates Korean traditions, culture, and change over time and presents the images of Korea, sometimes powerfully, sometimes warmly. Hungary, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Spain, and Korea, seven countries with varying cultures through will witness the images and sensibilities of Korea in a cultural exchange and thus form a special connection as if ‘catching a star from the sky’.

A KÉK 2016-ban indult könyvtára folyamatosan bővülő kollekciót mutat be az építészet iránt érdeklődőknek. Polcainkon a legizgalmasabb kiadványok, ritka magazinok, építészeti diskurzusok fontos művei találhatók meg. A gyűjtemény fontos eleme a személyesség. A KÉK által felkért építészeket közös gyűjtésre invitáljuk, hogy öt-tíz kiadványból álló, személyes inspirációt jelentő válogatással bővítsék a könyvtárat.